Market Intelligence
Structured data, such as ESG performance data, financials, and sentiment scores, and company profiles.
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A powerful engine that combines market intelligence and proprietary knowledge to drive decision-making.

Terabytes of data are generated on the internet and within your organization daily. The key to success boils down to finding relevant information for specific workflows and surfacing risks ongoingly.

Public Data
Unstructured information, such as company websites, documents, and data sources publicly accessible from the web.​
Derived Data
Processed and labeled data generated by proprietary models and domain experts.​
Machine-Readable Data​
Machine-readable documents, such as annual and ESG reports and investor presentations in structured formats.
Proprietary Data​
Domain knowledge, including firm-specific workflows, industry best practices, and regulatory requirements.
Products that support equity and ESG research
Identify thematic investment opportunities by leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and big data.
Assess and benchmark the ESG performance of companies using proprietary models​.
Surface insights and relevant information from millions of company disclosures in seconds.
Use Cases
Explore how our market intelligence solutions streamline research, ESG assessment, and benchmarking workflows.​
Automating Investment Screening and ESG Reporting using Generative AI for Asset Managers 
ESG Investing Trends  The practice of investing in companies or funds with sustainable operatio ...
Unveiling the Power of Equity Research: Guiding Investors Amidst Market Complexity
In the dynamic world of finance, equity research emerges as an indispensable tool for investors navigating the complexities of the ...
Streamlining Precedent Search Workflow: Enhancing Capital Markets Transaction Research
In the context of capital markets, precedent search plays a crucial role in interpreting and applying legal principles to transaction ...
Trusted by index and investment managers, sustainable financing teams, equity research analysts, and legal professionals.​
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